Apex Legends Season 11 New Legend Ash – Abilities and Character Explained

Season 11 Escape is bringing new Legend Ash, let's talk.

Apex Legends Season 11 New Legend Ash – Abilities and Character Explained

Apex Legends Season 11 Escape is just around the corner, scheduled to release on November 2, 2021. The new Season 11 is coming with a lot of new updates and changes to Apex Legends. As the patch notes for the season are not available yet, Let’s talk about what we know so far. This article discusses New Legend addition to Apex Legends called Ash, her abilities, and character info.

Apex Legends New Legend – Ash

“See your imperfections in your enemies — then crush them.”

Ash – Incisive Instigator

Respawn wrote the character info saying:

Born in the unforgiving Frontier, Dr. Ashleigh Reid – still very much a human – learned early that the only person who was going to look out for her was herself. One day, she was hired by a mercenary group for a delicate job: steal an experimental fuel source being researched in the Outlands city of Olympus. It was the perfect job for Reid, who infiltrated and psychologically manipulated the researchers for years. When the lab self-destructed, she died.

And didn’t.

Her brain was put in a simulacrum shell, but in the process, she lost years of memories, and the trauma of her “death” caused her personality to fracture. Ash is the embodiment of the cold, perfectionistic, power-hungry side of Dr. Reid. But behind that confident facade, something sinister is simmering. After an encounter with Horizon that overrides Ash’s simulacrum programming, the framework that kept the vulnerable–yet intelligent–Leigh personality dormant has begun to crack. Ash joins the Games to prove she has transcended all humanity. Leigh’s determined to prove her wrong.

Apex Legends Ash – Abilities

The Apex Legend’s Stories from the Outlands – “Ashes to Ash” explains Ash’s backstory and her connection with Dr Somers (Horizon). Check out, if you haven’t already:

Apex Legends Season 11 Escape Gameplay Trailer

For official patch notes, you can check Apex Legends’ official season page to get info when they update.


So, that’s been it. Thank you for reading, and do share the article if you get a bit piece of information. Also, keep an eye on this space for more relevant updates. Stay safe, and we hope to see you around.

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