Pokémon GO bringing big changes and fans are not happy about it

They got used to the PoGO comfort during COVID-19 situations.

Pokemon GO bringing big changes and fans are not happy about it

Pokemon GO fans are expressing anger due to the significant changes that Niantic is making to the game. It is rolling back to the game benefits of pre-covid situations and removing or changing the current benefits, which make you play right from your home. Fans are not at all happy about it, and thousands of them are signing petitions on change.org.

After the pandemic hit the world like a disaster, lockdowns were initiated, and everyone had to stay at their home to ensure their safety. As the Pokémon GO has to be played while coming out and roaming around, the developer Niantic introduced benefits that allow everyone to play at comfort from their homes. Those benefits include Incense effectiveness, Pokéstops, Gym interaction distances, no walking requirement for Go Battle League, and a lot more. Niantic has decided to keep some of the benefits and remove the rest to roll back the game to as it was in pre-covid situations. Niantic is encouraging everyone to come out and play.

The Incense effectiveness increased during the pandemic, so the trainer doesn’t need to walk to attract Pokémon. It allowed trainers to attract Pokémon to their location so then they can catch it from home. Niantic is resetting these benefits and bringing back standard benefits. But, trainers will still get that benefit while moving. For instance, the effectiveness will be increased while moving.

The benefits that Niantic offered made the game more accessible for trainers around the world. So the fans are furious as Niantic announced the changes in Pokemon GO to remove them.

The Petitions

Gabriele Russo started a petition on Change.org and wrote –

“I’ve known people who have been very grateful for the increased interaction range. People with physical disabilities were able to interact with PokéStops and Gyms that they were unable to before. The increase in the spawn rate of Incense also made it ten times better. Now people who had played more because of the special bonuses will no longer be able to play/won’t be as inclined to play. Less players = less money for Niantic, meaning that it would be a morally and financially bad decision to take away these bonuses.”

There are two more petitions, and they collectively have over 72,000 signatures. Let’s see if Niantic hears and responds to it.


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