Tencent games uses Facial recognition to stop children from playing at night

Tencent games uses Facial recognition to stop children from playing at night

Tencent games a famous Chinese gaming company has introduced a new tool. This tool will control the gaming activities of children in the Mainland China. This tool uses the facial recognition technology and AI to detect and verify an individual. If the individual is a minor below the age of 18 then he won’t be able to play the game during the prohibited time.

Tencent games facial recognition is called the midnight patrol. In the year 2019 China has induced a law to reduce the addiction of games in the kids mainly in the night time. Since then many games have brought in regulations by stopping in-app purchases and curfew for individuals during night time. Additionally they have limited the game play to 1.5 hours in the week days and 3 hours in the weekend and holidays. Even having these restrictions many have successfully used wrong tricks to play the games at night.

Tencent in an official statement mentioned that anyone refusing this new rule will be treated as minor. It means if anyone one who has failed to verify through the facial verification will be kicked out offline. The screening will be conducted to the players having accounts with real names and have played a certain times in the night.

This is definitely a bad news to the kids in the China. On the other hand it will help control the gaming addiction in the kids. This addiction now a days has become a very serious problem in this generation. This move from Tencent games is a very brave with a lot of privacy issues. Tencent games facial recognition will be collecting data mainly of the kids. If the privacy of their data is not taken care by Tencent then they have to face a serious problem.

At present a total of 60 games have the tool midnight patrol in China. These 60 titles include popular games such as Honor of Kings, Glory of the King, Peace Elite, and more. The most famous League of Legends is also a part of the list. There will be many games adding to the list using the midnight patrol system.

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