Apple iPhone 14 Pro series might come with USB Type-C

Apple might finally make this real

iPhone 14 Pro USB Type C

Apple iPhone 14 has been in the news even before the launch of the iPhone 13 series. Just days before the iPhone 13 was about to be launched, a render of the iPhone 14 Pro was spotted. Apple is known to bring the changes like these very late to the ecosystem. If this change becomes a reality, it will be a piece of good news for Apple users and most tech users and lovers.

The current iPhones have a lighting port that has been used for many years. As Apple is looking to save the environment by removing a charging brick, it might also include this move of replacing a lighting port with USB Type-C. An article by iDrop news mentioned that Apple is planning to ditch the lightning port. But there is a catch in it, too; as the 120Hz display was introduced to the Pro models, the Type-C is also exclusive to iPhone 14 Pro models only.

As per multiple rumors, Apple will remove the mini phone next year and include a new model between Pro and Pro Max. With this move, all the iPadOS and iOS devices will have Type-C ports. Another strong reason for Apple to move to Type-C is the transfer rate. The transfer rates in Type-C are much much faster than the present lighting port. The recent ProRes mode requires a massive amount of storage in the iPhone. If you are willing to transfer that video to a laptop, it will take hours for the lightning cable to transfer the data. But in the case of Type-C, it will only take some minutes only. Apple is likely to include a USB 4.0 Type-C that can transfer 750Gb ProRes file in just 2 minutes.

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