iMessage on Android will hurt Apple than help them

Epic case against Apple getting more heat with iMessage

iMessage on Android will hurt Apple than help them

We all know about the anti lawsuit that Epic games have filed against Apple. Epic Games have filed this lawsuit after Apple removing their game from the App Store. Before the case trial begins on May 3rd Epic Games has got some more statements adding to the lawsuit. These statements are from the Apple Employees regarding the development of Apple iMessage. Apple actually in the earlier days thought of developing iMessage for both iOS and Andriod. But Apple intentionally has dropped the idea of bringing iMessage on Android.

Apple knows that iMessage is the biggest barrier to people that want to switch to Android. That is the reason Apple has not even thought of developing a version for Android. Back in 2013, Apple has planned to develop a cross-platform version of the iMessage. Later after the app has got a lot of popularity among the whole Ecosystem the plan to bring it to Android is dropped.

These statements are not from the users but from the Apple employees that include some high-ranking employees also. Apple’s SVP of Software Engineering and chief of iOS Federighi stated that “iMessage on Android would simply serve to remove [an] obstacle to iPhone families giving their kids Android Phones.” Federighi claims this statement against the brief from Epic Games.

Epic Games brief contains the testimony from Eddy Cue the Senior Vice President of Internet Software and Services at Apple. He admits that Apple could have made a version on Android that also worked with iOS. This would make users communicate seamlessly but such a version was never made. These statements were brought up by Epic Games to show Apple’s monopolistic strategies to retain users and trap them in the ecosystem.

Along with the iMessage, Epic Games also cites other devices that contribute to the lock-in. These also include its Face time video chat service which Steve Jobs mentioned would be an open industry standard back in WWDC 2010. But in reality, the video service didn’t come out of the Ecosystem.

So that’s been it. Thank you for reading, and do share the article if you get a bit piece of information. Also, keep an eye on this space for more relevant updates. Stay safe, and we hope to see you around.

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