OnePlus officially mentions that it is merging with Oppo

OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has announced this news

OnePlus officially mentions that it is merging with Oppo

OnePlus at first came as a flagship killer, and for the past few years, the strategy has changed. Now it has started to target the ideal flagship phone. We all knew that last year OnePlus and Oppo announced that they would be merging their R&D departments. After that, we have seen some impact of Oppo on the OnePlus devices. The new devices launched from OnePlus looked a lot similar to the Oppo devices example the band and Watch. Though they both come from the same parent company BBK electronics, they have different identification of their own.

OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has mentioned the news of their merge via a post in the OnePlus community. He didn’t say that OnePlus will be merged with Oppo but gives a hint of those. Well, this isn’t shocking news from OnePlus, as some clues from the past have already given us a lead. OnePlus has even changed its OS to Oppo’s colorOS in their homeland from the OnePlus 9 Series. Pete Lau had last year took the position of Head of the strategy for both OnePlus and Oppo. After that, he has integrated some teams of Oppo to work in the development of OnePlus devices.

Pete Lau mentions that the integration has got a lot of positive feedback. This made him think of making this move to merging OnePlus with Oppo. He says this is a new journey and a turning point for OnePlus.

“As for the OnePlus brand – we will continue to operate independently, focused on providing you with the best possible products and experience as we have always done. We will continue launching OnePlus products, holding events (hopefully in person soon) and engaging directly with you for feedback through the same OnePlus channels as before. OnePlus’ commitment to you remains the same.” – Pete Lau in the Post.

Pete mentions that this move is only to make the OnePlus more efficient. He thinks that this move will bring a positive change to its users and community. OnePlus will have a significant advantage with this merger by getting additional resources. They can use these resources to provide better and faster software updates.

With this merge of OnePlus and Oppo happening and OnePlus going in another direction, Realme has started to take over the Flagship killer title that OnePlus used to have during its initial days. But not to forget, even Realme is a subbrand of Oppo that is also part of the giant BBK electronics.

So that’s it for now. Thank you for reading, and do share the article if you get a bit piece of information. Also, keep an eye on this space for more relevant updates. Stay safe, and we hope to see you around.

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