Vivo patents a flying drone camera system in a smartphone

Vivo patents a flying drone camera system in a smartphone

Vivo is a smartphone company that is known for its innovative moves. In the past years also Vivo was the first phone to have the world’s first under display fingerprint scanner. Vivo in their X50 pro has brought the world’s first gimble camera system. Now Vivo patents for a new technology that will detach the camera module from the smartphone and can be used as a drone. Yes you have read it right a mini drone in your smartphone.

Vivo is not new to bring the out-of-box ideas and this is one of them. There was a patent from Vivo in the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) back in 2020. This patent describes it as an electronic device and the patent is first published via LetsGoDigital. The patent contains a document with 20 pages in Chinese language.

Let’s take a look into detail about the patent. The smartphone on the outside looks similar to a normal phone. There will a drone inside the phone with dual camera setup in it and sensors on its sides. The drone will have an additional battery unit that charges from the phone. This module slides out of the phone from the top just like how the popup cameras used to. This mounting bracket can be detached from the phone which has four propellers. This drone camera can be controlled from the smartphone and you can capture photos and videos from unique angles.

The camera system will be a dual setup that will have a camera on the top and one on the front side. This module will have infrared sensors on the sides that will prevent the drone from collisions. There is only one catch here that while shooting with the drone there will be stabilization issues. Vivo might look to install a gimble system from the X50 Pro device to capture perfect pictures or videos. We can also add extra sensors to the front main camera.

Though the idea looks innovative there will be lots of huddles that Vivo need to take care of. Let’s just wait for the official launch and announcement from Vivo.

So that’s been it. Thank you for reading, and do share the article if you get a bit piece of information. Also, keep an eye on this space for more relevant updates. Stay safe, and we hope to see you around.

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