Apple CEO Tim Cook suggests parents restrict their kids’ screen time

According to Apple's CEO Tim Cook, it is crucial to set restrictions on children's screen time since "they are born digital" and thus, considered as digital kids.

Apple CEO Tim Cook suggests parents restrict their kids' screen time.


Apple CEO Tim Cook recently spoke about the importance of limiting children’s screen time during an interview with GQ magazine. The topic arose when the interviewer mentioned that his young child was “obsessed” with his smartphone, to which Cook suggested that parents should establish guidelines regarding the amount of time children spend on digital devices. Cook emphasized that children today are “digital kids” and it is crucial to set “hard rails” around the amount of screen time they have.

Cook noted that Apple’s primary goal is to create technology that empowers people, allows them to do things they couldn’t do before, create things they couldn’t create before, and learn things they couldn’t learn before. He reiterated that Apple does not encourage people to use their phones excessively and is not incentivized for that. Rather, he suggested that people should take a break from screens, and mentioned Apple’s Screen Time feature that allows users to monitor their app and website usage.

According to Cook, if someone spends more time looking at screens than looking at other people, they are probably doing something wrong. Apple CEO explained that his philosophy is to look at the phone less than in somebody’s eyes, and Screen Time helps him stick to this principle. He concluded by emphasizing that parents should track their children’s screen time and make sure they balance it with other activities that involve interaction with people.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the impact of excessive screen time on children’s mental and physical health. Many experts recommend limiting the amount of time children spend on digital devices, especially before bedtime, to promote healthy sleep habits. Parents can use features like Screen Time to monitor and set limits on their children’s device usage. Cook’s comments highlight the responsibility of technology companies like Apple to consider the impact of their products on children’s well-being and encourage healthy habits.


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