Best of 2020 android apps by Google Play Store

Google play store like every year this year also reveals all the best apps of 2020

Best of 2020 android apps by Google Play Store

We are at that part of the year where the best of this year will be announced from various sources. Google Play Store is the biggest store to have more than 3 million apps. We get to vote for our favorite application and game every year. This year is no special as the usage of apps has been more than the previous years due to the pandemic. These are the Best of 2020 apps and games.

List of Apps:

This year Google has brought in a new category of an app called the App for Good considering the situation outside and the winner is InnerHour Self. You can also check out the list of Best Apps of 2020 in the play store announcement.

Last year the winner of the Best app of 2019 was Video Editor – Glitch Video Effects and the winner of Best Game in 2019 was Call of Duty®: Mobile it was also the User’s choice game of 2019.

So that’s it for now. Thank you for reading and please do share the article within your circles if you loved reading it. Also, keep an eye on this space to get relevant updates.

Stay home safe, Stop being a prisoner of your past and become an architect of your futureHope we see you around.

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