This Safari 15 Bug can expose your browser history and Google account info

The bug is found in the latest version of Safari 15

Safari 15 browser bug

Apple’s browser Safari is now in big trouble with the latest version, 15. The Safari 15 version is found to have a bug that can leak your browsing data, including the Google account information. This new bug or vulnerability is found after introducing the IndexedDB to the latest version of Safari. All users using this new Safari 15 are vulnerable to this bug.

Users can work around it by using another browser like Chrome or Edge. The initial report by 9to5Mac and a detailed analysis by FingerprintJS tells us how this bug was found and reported. The introduction of IndexedDB that acts as an API (Application Programming Interface) to store data is the leading cause of the bug. This bug can track all your browsing data, and even Google Unique ID is used to communicate with Google accounts. The Google unique ID can reveal a lot of public information from a user shared with Google using Safari 15.

In general, the IndexedDB is introduced to restrict documents and scripts from one origin to another origin resources. This way, you can have a safe and secure way of browsing data in different browser tabs. The researchers from FingerprintJS say that Apple has violated the central policy of IndexedDB, which is the reason for this bug. This issue was reported to Apple on November 28th, but still, there has been no resolution about the bug nor any update.

If you are an Apple user or Safari 15 user, you can visit this link that shows you a demo. Until Apple give a solution to this bug in the Safari 15 browser, try using other browsers.

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