Facebook is developing a new AR wrist band that lets you control computer

The wrist band will work based on the nerve response

Facebook is developing a new AR wristband that lets you control computer

We are heading to a future where everything is going to be done through AR or VR. We already know how Facebook is working on Virtual reality products. The company mentioned that it believes the future will be completely VR and AR, and we are getting ready for that. The company also has the Facebook Oculus Quest, which works on Virtual Reality. Now the company aims at AR tech with a wrist band.

Facebook says that this AR wristband lets you control the computer with ease. Before getting into trouble, the company says beforehand that the band will not read the user’s mind. Instead, it just responds according to the neural interfaces. For Example, if you think about moving your hand to type something on the keyboard, then the wrist band will display a virtual keyboard for you to type. The wristband uses a sensor to translate electrical motor nerve signals to digital commands.

The technology isn’t still that advanced to meet the work level that Facebook imagines with the wristband. It says in the initial launch users should use a simple pinch or tap to activate a function. In the future, as the EMG (electromyography) advances, it is looking to introduce more features that ease the work. The band can read the signals even before it reaches the fingertip(the band’s final version). The band will make sure that users work with virtual objects and UIs.

In my opinion, this tech is going in the wrong way it is making things simpler but at the cost of making people lazy. The new tech definitely brings a lot of excitement and makes me wonder how advanced and fast we are moving. But the direction we are moving gets the idea of Terminator where robots/AI controls humans. We are in a race to create a world that runs full of machines and humans bringing under them.

So that’s been it. Thank you for reading, and do share the article if you get a bit piece of information. Also, keep an eye on this space for more relevant updates. Stay safe, and we hope to see you around.

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