Google Look to Speak helps people to communicate with their eyes

This feature lets users to select phrases with the help of their eyes

Google Look to Speak helps people to communicate with their eyes

Google always tries to bring some new features taking advantage of its Artificial Intelligence. This time it is bringing a new Android application that helps users to communicate easily with speech impairment. This app is available to everyone having Android 9.0 and above and also on Android One. The Look to Speak by Google lets users select phrases using their eyes that are already filled in the app.

Specialist in Speech and language therapist at Google, Richard Cave has been working with many people who are having speech and motor impairments. He does work especially with people who have nonverbal and need assistance communicating. In his words,

It’s more than a job for me, it’s a passion. Every day, I strive to help people find easier and more accessible ways to express their everyday needs, opinions, feelings and identity. Now conversations can more easily happen where before there might have been silence, and I’m excited to hear some of them

After opening the app you have to place the phone slightly below eye level. Now the user has to look left or right or up to select from the options and phrases that the device says loud. There is one drawback though where you can edit the phrases but you have to do them physically.

This project is one of Google’s start with one, invent from many projects on its Experiments with Google platform. These projects all begin with one person and expand to the larger community.

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