OnePlus Watch has received Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS) certification, according to a tipster. There are two models of watched that have been spotted on the Indian certification website. The two models are named W501GB and W301GB. One of the models has received Singapore’s IMDA certificate also. As per the tipster, these watches might soon launch in India.
OnePlus CEO and Co-founder Pete Lau have officially said that OnePlus is planning to launch a smartwatch in early 2021. He also confirmed that they are working closely with Google to improve their OS. This tells us that the watches won’t be having the WearOS from Google. Even during the OnePlus 8T launch event, some words were about their plans in launching the smartwatch. The Chinese company has recently, on January 11th has launched its smart band in India.
Tipster Mukul Sharma on Twitter reveals the two models of the OnePlus watches on the BIS certification website. It seems that the model number W301GB is also present on the IMDA website. Some other leaks suggest that the OnePlus Watch will have a square dial, and the OnePlus Watch RX will have a circular dial. OnePlus Watch and OnePlus Watch RX being the names of the two models.
OnePlus recent launch in the wearables is their first wearable smart device. The price of the OnePlus smart band is Rs. 2,499. The smart band will be competing against other rivals like Xiaomi, which has been dominating in the segment. The OnePlus band comes with heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen level monitoring, steps counter, and also a sleep tracker. The Band connects with the OnePlus health application and includes a total of 13 exercise modes.
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